Ronit posted an Question
May 05, 2021 • 18:32 pm 1 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

Types of intracellular and extracellular fluid in detail

t intracellular and extracellular fluid in detail .... please explain

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  • Surendra kumar meghwal

    The intracellular fluid is the fluid contained within cells. The extracellular fluid—the fluid outside the cells—is divided into that found within the blood and that found outside the blood; the latter fluid is known as the interstitial fluid. These fluids are not simply water but contain

  • Surendra kumar meghwal

    The fluid within cells (intracellular fluid) and the fluid outside the cell (extracellular fluid). The extracellular fluid can be further divided into interstitial fluid, plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals).

  • Aditya sunil kokate

    extracellular fluid-the fluid present outside the cell membrane in intercellular space is extracellular fluid I.e lymph,sebum,plasma,cerebrospinal fluid

  • Suresh kuchipudi

    The fluids of the body may be classified into two main divisions: the fluid within cells (intracellular fluid) and the fluid outside the cell (extracellular fluid). The extracellular fluid can be further divided into interstitial fluid, plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and milk (in mammals). Intracellular fluid is the fluid that exists within the cells of multi-celled organisms. The intracellular fluid is therefore stored within the intracellular compartments of the body. Intracellular fluid is often referred to as cytosol when discussing cellular functions. The cytosol and the organelles and molecules contained within are referred to collectively as the cytoplasm.


    cna you elaborate extracellular fluid second type?


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