Shivam Sharma posted an Question
September 10, 2020 • 16:29 pm 30 points
  • Earth Sciences

05. the difference in the earth's gravity fields at the poles and the equator is at present 5.186 gals. if the velocity of the earth's rotation is reduced by 25

05. The difference in the Earth's gravity fields at the poles and the equator is at present 5.186 gals. If the velocity of the Earth's rotation is reduced by 25%of its present value, then the difference in the gravity fields would be around (in gals): be A. 2.54 B. 3.71 C. 3.81 D. 4.30 106. Gravity anomaly values of 1.2, 2.4 and 3.6 in mgals are located at distance coordinates 20, 24 and 28 km, respectively, along a gravity profile across a faulted basement of limited throw. The depth to the basement (in km) is: B. 22 A. 2 C. 2/3 D 4

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