Shivam Sharma posted an Question
September 05, 2020 • 14:29 pm 30 points
  • Earth Sciences

(6) a section of a valley along with geological formations is shown in the figure below,. a road is planned to be constructed in the valley. three sites a, b an

(6) A section of a valley along with geological formations is shown in the figure below,. A road is planned to be constructed in the valley. Three sites A, B and C are marked on the section. Index Sandstone Claystone () Choose a stable site for road construction out of the three locations. (i) State two reasons for the site selection.

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Rahul kumar best-answer

    Answer: Location A Reason (1): Location A will be more stable for road formation because beds on side A is dipping away from road side which means that there will be no landslide and road will be stable. Location B and C are not good for road formation because there is very high chances of landslide towards the road (because beds are dipping towards the road in case of Location B and C) Reason (2): Water can seeped through the bedding plane in rainy season and come to the road in case of location B and C i.e. an unstable condition for road.

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    Sajan sarthak Best Answer

    A is the stable site for road making as the valley dips opposite to the beds . so bed will not fall in to the valley. while B,C are very dangerous sites due to valley and bed dips in the same direction and beds dips at lowerangle than Valley bed will collapse in to valley Reason 2:): Water can seeped through the bedding plane in rainy season and come to the road in case of location B and C i.e. an unstable condition for road.


    How dipping away from the dip valley ?


    please explain




    see the attached file shivam


    Nicely explanation sajan sir Happy teacher's day

  • Veer vikram singh best-answer

    Answer: location A will be the most stable site for construction of road. reason 1: Dip of strara is in opposite direction to the dip of valley at point. This means the chances of slope failure will greatly reduced. reason 2: The location A lies on sandstone bed which has a fairly high strength in contrast to claystone bed which has very little strength and prone to weathering.


    Please Explain ur 1st reason


    good question. suppose if failure occurs along any claystone bed above the point A then the rocks will slide away from the direction of road. In contrast suppose if failure occurs along any claystone bed above location B and C then the rocks will fall on the road.


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