Sandhiya Raghu posted an Question
October 23, 2021 • 18:39 pm 30 points
  • Life Sciences

Different limitation comple plementation test has the following limitations: dominant or co-dominant mutations, intragenic complementation, 3. polar mutation, c

different Limitation Comple plementation test has the following limitations: Dominant or co-dominant mutations, Intragenic complementation, 3. Polar mutation, cis acting genes. 4 Comnlementation map represents a complementation groups as discrete non overlapping lines which can be constructed by performing pair-WISe complementation analysis of several mutants. SuDDOse, in Drosophila mutant A, B, C, D, E, F and G all have the same phenotype; the absence of red pigment in the eves. In pair-wise combinations in complementation test, the following results were produced, where + means complementation and means no complementation BC DE F G G + B ely C above results, the numbers of genes can be analyzed as follows re A complement with B, C, E and G. Therefore, B, C, E and G are in separate cistron. On the otner ad F dnd Dare non-complement with A. Thus, they are on the A cistronic group. -Complement with G. Therefore, B and G are in another group, i.e., in the same cisuron Bp B Cis p Therefore, nplement with E. So, it is in the other group, i.e., C and E is in same cistronic grouP there are three genes gene enes present. A, D and F are in one gene: B and G in other gene and C and E ano

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  • Priya sarda Best Answer

    Complementation test, also called cis-trans test, in genetics, test for determining whether two mutations associated with a specific phenotype represent two different forms of the same gene (alleles) or are variations of two different genes. The complementation test will not work if either mutation exhibits dominance over the wild-type allele. In this case the phenotype of the dominant mutation will be exhibited whether or not the other allele is a mutation in the same gene; the mutations will appear to not complement.


    does two mutation mean for two different characters?


    Each of our genes is a replica from either our mum or our dad. If there is a mutation in one of these genes, this can be passed on from parent to child along with the rest of their genes.Small inherited changes can make big differences to our bodies. For example, the most common mutation to cause cystic fibrosis is the loss of three letters in a gene called CFTR.Even though mutation is common, inherited diseases are relatively rare. This is because inherited diseases are often recessive, which means that a person must have two replicas of the mutated gene to get the disease.


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