Xxx posted an Question
April 11, 2021 • 18:43 pm 1 points
  • General Paper 1

Direction: consider the following table that shows the income of a multinational company from five different countries (in crore rupees) per annum over the give

Direction: Consider the following table that shows the income of a multinational company from five different countries (in crore rupees) per annum over the given years. Answer the questions based on the data contained in the table: Year of Income Countries USA India China Japan Russia 120 98 110 128 80 128 112 2014 2015 96 136 127 142 124 123 164 115 128 | 180 130 132100 102 2016 114 133 2017 88 68 2018 The ratio between the total income of the company during given period from Russia and the total income from India during this period is: O 193:107 167:193 193:167 170:193

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