Pooja posted an Question
December 28, 2019 • 21:28 pm 15 points
  • Commerce

Examples of inductive and deductive research???

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Payal

    deductive is when first theory n then its applications. for example, you teach English grammar by telling them first rules and then their examples whereas inductive is when u first start with examples or observations and from for these examples you verify the theory. in the same example, when you teach students grammar by giving examples and then telling rules

  • Srikanta sahu

    In a simple inductive means invention...So specific to general

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    Rajeev best-answer

    Inductive is basically about observing the events, scenarios or various instances etc. and connecting them all with certain logic in order to derive a general conclusion which after various tests is accepted as a gzeneral law. Example of inductive reasoning is "Newton saw the apple 🍎 falling from the tree and thought about the reason. He went on to testing various materials by throwizng them up and watching them falling down each and every time. He found that every single substance containing mass, falls back to earth. Hence he took it as a law and started working on the force responsible for this. In this case observation starts from a specific case(falling of the apple) and took the shape of general law( every substance containing mass falls down). Another example of inductive reasoning is "Ram is mortal, Shyam is mortal, Mohan is mortal, Sohan is mortal......they all are human beings; thus one can conclude that every human being is mortal. However, Deductive reasoning is just reverse of inductive. Here an established general law is known and based on that law conclusion is derived. Example of Deductive reasoning is; "Every human being is mortal" and Ram is a human being based on the law we can conclude that "Ram being a human is mortal".In this case general or common law was known( Every human being is mortal) and conclusion drawn was specific. Rule to remember- Specific to general Inductive, General to specific Deductive. Hope it will help.


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