Rishabh Thakur posted an Question
April 11, 2020 • 07:45 am 30 points
  • Life Sciences

I am unable to understand. protein motif domain and folds

i am unable to understand. protein motif domain and folds

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    Narayan singh Best Answer

    A protein motif is a supersecondary structure consisting alpha helix and/or beta sheet and random coil. It may not necessarily have a biological functions. MOTIF is a supersecondary structured protein formed from consecutive sequence of primary structures. But, A protein DOMAIN is a conserved polypeptide part of a protein, that can fold and function independently. Protein domains are 3 dimensional structured on/in a protein that can interact with other proteins/ macromolecules/ molecules and have some biological functions. For example 1. NAD binding domains have beta-alpha-beta-alpha-beta motif. For example 2. Transcription Factors (TF) are a group of proteins that have 'DNA-binding domains'. TFs sit on the promoter or enhancer segment of the DNA using their 'DNA binding domain) before/ during RNA synthesis from DNA. Some TFs have domain that they bind on the Major Groove of DNA, some bind to the Minor Groove.


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