Time management is very much important in IIT JAM. The eduncle test series for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics helped me a lot in this portion. I am very thankful to the test series I bought from eduncle.
Nilanjan Bhowmick AIR 3, CSIR NET (Earth Science)
Shivaji khadake
During the ionisation process, molecular ions with high energy may break up to produce fragment ions or daughter ions (m+): M+⋅ → m+ + neutral fragment Such ions also appear in the mass spectrum at the relevant masses. The height of the peak due to the fragment depends on the amount formed. The peak with the highest m / z value usually (but not always) corresponds to the parent ion and so can usually be used to measure the molar mass of the molecule. Sometimes, a fragment ion is the most abundant ion and so produces the tallest peak in the spectrum. Whether the tallest peak is due to the parent or a fragment, it is called the base peak and is arbitrarily assigned a relative height of 100%. Heights of all of the other peaks are then expressed as percentages of the base peak. if that 139 and 140 is base peak that will be 100 unit cell and if that produce in same Spectra then relative percentage with respcet to 138. you can see given image for clarifying doubt thank you very much for this question