Eduncle posted an MCQ
October 17, 2019 • 23:53 pm 0 points
  • Economics

In a binomial distribution, the probability of x successes in n trials in any order is given by

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    Eduncle Best Answer

     The Binomial distribution is also known as Bernoulli distribution and is associated with the name of Jacob Bernoulli. A Bernoulli process is a random process in which :
     *The process is performed under the same conditions for a fixed and finite number of trials, say n.
    *Each trial is independent of other trials, i.e. the probability of an outcome for any particular trial is not influenced by the outcomes of other trails.
    *Each trail has two mutually exclusive possible outcomes, such as "success" or "failure", "good" or "defective", "yes" or "no", "hit" or "miss", and so on. The outcomes are usually called success and failure for convenience. The probability of success, p remains constant from trial to trail (so is the probability of failure q where q = 1 – p.
                                                    P(r) = nCr pr qn–r
    where, P(r) = Probability of r success in n trails;
    p = Probability of success;
    q = Probability of failure = 1 – p
    r = No of success desired
    and n = No of trails undertaken.


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