Nisha Sharma posted an Question
July 18, 2021 • 04:18 am 30 points
  • Commerce

Mam please explain me proxemics with xamples

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Rucha rajesh shingvekar

    Proxemics is the study of space and how we use it, and how it makes us feel more or less comfortable. How close you stand next to someone, for example, depends on the relationship you have with that person. ... Intimate space: very close, usually within one foot and sometimes touching

  • Priya sarda best-answer

    Proxemics refers to the study of how space and distance influence communication. Space, communication, and relationships are closely related. For example, when we are content with and attracted to someone, we say we are “close” to him or her. When we lose connection with someone, we may say he or she is “distant.” In general, space influences how people communicate.  Public space is the space that characterizes how close we sit or stand to someone, like a public figure or public speaker. . Example- If you are at an event listening to a professor give a lecture, you are probably about 12 - 25 feet away. Social space means we're getting a little closer, about 4 - 12 feet away. Example- This is the kind of space you're probably in if you're talking to a colleague or a customer at work. Personal space is even closer. In this case, you're probably about 1 - 4 feet away from someone. Example - This is reserved for talking to friends or family. Intimate space is for people who you are very close to. In this case, you're probably less than a foot away and you might even be touching the other person. Example- This is the space you're in with a romantic partner.


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