Mangesh posted an Question
June 25, 2020 • 23:23 pm 30 points
  • Physical Sciences

Quantum mechanics

in quantum mechanics what is the difference between the physical significance of linear momentum and orbital angular momentum(because in quantum mechanics there is such things called orbit because if particle is moving orbit then momentum and position can be measured very accurately and that is not true for quantum particle)

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    according to uncertainty principal product position and moment >h ,we can't measure any quntiy accurately we can measure product position and momentum

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    Chandra prakash best-answer

    these are different bcoz of symmetries... one is translation in space which leads to linear momentum and second is homogeneity of space leads to angular momentum..


    can you explain me in detail


    Angular momentum plays a central role in both classical and quantum mechanics. In classical mechanics, all isolated systems conserve angular momentum (as well as energy and linear momentum); this fact reduces considerably the amount of work required in calculating trajectories of planets, rotation of rigid bodies, and many more. Similarly, in quantum mechanics, angular momentum plays a central role in under- standing the structure of atoms, as well as other quantum problems that involve rotational symmetry. Like other observable quantities, angular momentum is described in QM by an operator. This is in fact a vector operator, similar to momentum operator. However, as we will shortly see, contrary to the linear momentum operator, the three components of the angular momentum operator do not commute.


    hope you got it my point dear


    dear see this cmnt.. it's very helpful for you

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    Dhairya sharma



    you are saying particle is moving orbit so it gives rise to orbital angular momentum but that is wrong


    because in quantum mechanics if particle is moving in orbit then its position and momentum can be measured very accurately that is not true for quantum particle


    because incase quantum particle unlike classical particle there is uncertainty in its position


    dear i 9 it....but plz listen me


    moment means what....mass effect of particle......orbital motion gives rise to orbital angular momentum and spin motion give rise to spin angular momentum. uncertainty is appears when we measure them. we can not simultaneously measure them accurately but it doesn't mean there is no orbital and spin angular momentum.they are there but due to limitations of our world and apparatus we can't measure them preciously


    dear please watch the lecture by professor hc verma on youtube(in 3 dimension) then you might come to know what i m trying to ask you


    dear i hv already watched series of sir hc verma lectures.....but plz tell me your question again what actually u wanna ask

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    Dhairya sharma

    dear....there are two types of angular momentum one is orbital and one is spin.


    what is the physical significance of orbital angular momentum


    in quantum mechanics


    it shows space quantization


    shows any arbitrary orientation is not possible.


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