Dils Joree posted an Question
February 11, 2022 • 04:52 am 30 points
  • Life Sciences

The figure below shows a gene duplication event followed by a divergence event in species 1 and 2 white colour ancestral gene ctouna gene duplication different

The figure below shows a gene duplication event followed by a divergence event in species 1 and 2 White colour Ancestral gene CTounA Gene duplication Different colour Evolutionary Divergence A B Based on the details given above determine what is represented by A and B (1) A: duplicated genes; B ancestral genes (2) A: paralogs; B: ancestral genes (3) A:orthologs; B paralogs (4) A paralogs; B: orthologs

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    Krishan k jakhad best-answer

    C. ...A -orthologs B- Paralogs Orthologs are homologous genes in different species that diverged from a single ancestral gene after a speciation event and paralogs are homologous genes that originate from the intragenomic duplication of an ancestral gene.


    In the diagram A is pointing towards two shaded black squares and B is pointing towards one shaded black square and one unshaded white square. does this signify anything?


    yes it means there is nothing much changed in A ...that's why orthologs whereas if one is having completely different colours means they are having major differences may be different lengths like alpha and beta hemoglobin so paralogs


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