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February 20, 2025 • 16:18 pm

How to Prepare for UGC NET General Paper 1: Toppers Tips and Strategy

UGC NET General Aptitude Paper-1


Preparing for the UGC NET Paper 1 is crucial for you aiming to qualify for the National Eligibility Test (NET). Doesn't matter which subject you opted for NTA UGC NET 2025 Exam, you cannot skip appearing in UGC NET General Paper 1. This is mandatory for all the aspirants who're going to appear in the Exam.


UGC NET June 2025 Phase 1 will be conducted Soon and phase 2 will be conducted in December 2025. Most of the aspirants who are aiming to crack the exam must have already started their preparations.


If you haven't started it yet and seeking for expert guidance to study well for the exam, then Eduncle is here to help you with the perfect preparation strategies.


This Paper a candidate’s teaching and research aptitude, reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness. A strategic and well-planned preparation approach can significantly enhance your performance in paper 1.


If you haven't started it yet and seeking for expert guidance to study well for the exam, then Eduncle is here to help you with the perfect preparation strategies.


In this article, we have provided all the study essentials and tips and tricks so that students can get all the information regarding UGC NET Paper 1 (General Aptitude) in a single place.


Study Essentials for UGC NET Paper 1

How to Prepare for UGC NET General Aptitude?

UGC NET General Aptitude Topics Wise Preparation Tips and Sample Questions

Teaching Aptitude

Research Aptitude

UGC NET Paper 1

UGC NET Paper 1 Books Free Download + Model Test Papers



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UGC NET Paper 1 Preparation Tips - Best Study Essentials to Crack


Before starting your preparation, make sure that you have all the resources that can help you in reaching your destination with ease. Below, you can check top study essentials with some tips that will help you to boost your preparation.



Go Through the UGC NET General Paper 1 Syllabus PDF Analysis


To have a clear idea about the topics which you should cover for the General Aptitude Paper, please have a look at the complete UGC NET Syllabus for Paper 1. Note Down all the Important Topics and take them one by one as per the priority.


UGC NET General Aptitude Paper has 10 major topics which consist of 5 questions of 10 marks from each topic.



Set your Targeted Score


There should be an aim before kick-starting any preparation. Set your targeted score for UGC NET General Aptitude Paper and then follow the preparation plans accordingly.


As per the exam pattern, the General Aptitude paper consists of total 100 marks but it is quite difficult to score the complete 100 marks, so, for a wise approach you can set 75 as your targeted score. 



UGC NET Online Coaching Course


UGC NET Paper 1 Study Material to Prepare Well


Everybody needs the motivation to take their preparation to the next level and this motivation can come through the coaching help or experts’ guidance.  To score more in the exam, you can get help with UGC NET Study Material.


You can refer to the below download table for UGC NET Paper 1 Study Material PDF, sample papers, updated syllabus, and more.


For detailed information about Coaching, please visit- UGC NET Online Coaching





UGC NET Previous Year Question Papers Solved Paper 1


To polish up your General Aptitude Skills and Achieve mastery in this subject, keep solving the sample papers, mock test papers, and UGC NET previous years’ exams papers.


After solving the papers, you should always check your answers with UGC NET Answer Keys for proper analysis of your performance.


Also, start taking the online test series before 1 month of the exam. Solving question papers will surely upskill you with enhanced speed and accuracy. Get UGC NET Paper 1 Sample Questions with Answers here.


So, candidates, first gather all the preparation requisites mentioned above and then kick start your preparation to fulfil your career goals.



Start your UGC NET Exam studies with the updated syllabus and plan your preparation smartly. Download Free PDF Now!
You Can Call Our Experts At 800-355-2211.



How to Prepare for UGC NET Paper 1 General Aptitude? Know the Tips and Tricks here


As per the UGC NET Exam Pattern, the General Aptitude Paper consist of total 100 marks in which 50 questions will be provided. Each question will consist of two marks.


Well, Seriously, you can’t afford to lose 100 marks so don’t take this paper lightly at all.


To make your preparation journey easier, Eduncle has come up with the perfect study plan for UGC NET General Aptitude Paper-1. Please go below and note down all the UGC NET preparation strategies that you need to follow to grab a good score in the exam.


Start by taking the Important General Aptitude Topics one by one. You can start with the teaching aptitude section.


After analyzing the huge syllabus and your studying capabilities, assign deadlines to each topic and try to meet them on time.


Don’t leave any topic because at least 5 questions will surely come from each topic in the exam paper. Focus more on Teaching and Research Aptitude as these two topics are tougher than the remaining others.


It’s better to go with the shortest methods to solve any aptitude questions. Prepare quick notes containing formulas or short tricks at the time of preparation. This is the smartest method to perform quick revision during rush hours and it will also help you in polishing up your brain memory.


Take at least 15-20 minutes of break after 1 and a half-hour of doing studies.


Whenever you complete a topic, perform an instant revision of everything that you’ve learned in that particular topic.


Practice by solving at least 10 questions containing a higher difficulty level from each topic of the syllabus.


If you stuck anywhere while preparing for UGC NET General Aptitude Paper, then don’t get hesitate in asking others. You may either discuss it with your friends or take the help of Tutors.


Practice as much as you can.



Having difficultly solving 150 questions in just 3 hours? Practice free UGC NET Mock Test Papers to boost your speed and accuracy for the exam. Start Solving Now!



UGC NET General Paper 1 Topic Wise Preparation Tips & Sample Question Papers [Must Read]


As I have discussed above that each topic is important for UGC NET Paper-1. This section can be very scoring if you prepare it with the right guidance.


General Aptitude Section is easier to score but the methods used to solve the question should be correct and less time taking.


Below we are sharing the subject-wise approaches to attempt the questions and answer them smartly. 



UGC NET Teaching Aptitude – Tips and Sample Questions



Candidates who wish to be a lecturer must be aware of the facts like the nature of teaching, aim, characteristics and teaching aids and needs.


For example, the primary objective of teaching is to develop the thinking power of the students.


Along with developing teaching characteristics in them, they will also require to learn about the student’s thinking and the interesting methods to teach them effectively.


A teacher should know how to deal with students and what kind of learning strategy will be useful to them. So, it is important for UGC NET Exam aspiring candidates to have adequate knowledge of the factors that affect the teaching like - how a teacher should behave while taking a class or in which manner teachers should deal with the students’ queries.


Tip: A wise and intelligent use of charts, diagrams, and explanation


Candidates can easily grasp the above-mentioned topics from the books available online and in the market. To complete the paper in time, students can practice sample papers or mock test papers based on General Paper (Paper-I).



Download UGC NET Last 5 Exams Question Papers with Answer Keys



Below we are providing some sample questions on UGC NET Teaching Aptitude to make you aware of the difficulty level.


UGC NET Teaching Aptitude Sample Questions

Ques 1: Nine years olds are taller than seven years old. This is an example of a reference drawn from –

(A). Vertical Study

(B). Cross-Sectional Study

(C). Time Series Study

(D). Experimental Study


Ques 2: A teacher who is not able to draw the attention of his students should -

(A). Evaluate his Teaching Method and Improve It

(B). Resign from the Post

(C). Find Fault in his Pupils

(D). Start Dictating


Ques 3: Mainstreaming is a term associated with -

(A). Career Education

(B). Education for Handicapped

(C). Inter-Age Class Groupings

(D). Environmental Education


Ques 4: The project method of teaching is best associated with the philosophy of –

(A). John Dewey

(B). Max Rafferty

(C). Robert Hutchins

(D). B.F. Skinner


Ques 5: Maximum participation of students is possible in teaching through –

(A). Lecture Method

(B). Discussion Method

(C). Textbook Method

(D). Audi-Visual Aids



Download UGC NET Free Study Kit & Start Preparing Now



UGC NET Research Aptitude – Tips and Sample Questions


To excel with good scores in the exam, aspirants must know the basics of research that is, meaning, characteristics, and types of research.


They should be aware of the facts like research is always systematic, logical, and objective, directed towards the solution of the problem, based on empirical or observable evidence, gives emphasis to theories or principles, etc.


There are various types of research that need a detailed study by the candidates. Some of them include exploratory, fundamental, historical, and experimental.


Tip: Candidates willing to be a lecturer or researcher should know each and every step of research, as questions can be asked randomly on that.



The sequence of research goes as –


Identification of research

Proposal of action

Construction of hypothesis

Collection of data

Presentation of data

Data analysis and

Declaration of the result.


Aspirants should have an adequate understanding of the various methods of research or how to conduct research and tools used in conducting research.


Below we are sharing some sample questions to make the UGC NET aspirants aware of the difficulty level of the exam paper. Please check them out.


UGC NET Research Aptitude Sample Questions

Ques 1: Which of the following is not the characteristic of a researcher?

(A). He is a specialist rather than a generalist

(B). He is industrious and persistent on the trail of discovery

(C). He is not inspirational to his chosen field but accepts the reality

(D). He is not versatile in his interest and even in his native abilities 


Ques 2: Collective psychology of the whole period is a theory which -

(A). can explain all phase of historical development

(B). means the psychology of the whole society

(C). means the psychological approach of data collection

(D). All the above


Ques 3: Who is regarded as the father of scientific social surveys?

(A). Darwin

(B). Booth

(C). Best

(D). None of these


Ques 4: The probability of a head and a tail of tossing four coins simultaneously is -

(A). 1/8 

(B). 1/16

(C). 1/4

(D). 1/64


Ques 5: Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?

(A). Area Sampling Technique

(B). Purposive Sampling Technique

(C). Systematic Sampling Technique

(D). None of the Above



Are you looking for complete UGC NET exam paper analysis? Download the expert paper review here.



UGC NET Paper 1 Sample Questions with Answers [for Other Subjects]


Below you can get the UGC NET Paper 1 sample questions for Reading Comprehension, Communication, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Information and Communication Technology, People Development and Environment, and Higher Education System.


Solve them and boost up your score on the exam!


UGC NET General Aptitude Sample Questions

Ques 1: The Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication is?

(A). Modular

(B). Circular

(C). Linear

(D). Non-Linear


Ques 2: The ‘Limited-effects’ model of mass communication was a counter to?

(A). ABX Model

(B). Circular Model

(C). Diffusion Model

(D). Hypodermic Needle Model.Reasoning Questions:


Ques 3: 12,32,72,152,(?),632

(A). 815

(B). 613

(C). 515

(D). 312


Ques 4: If in a certain language, KNOWLEDGE is coded as 256535475, how is GENERAL coded in that language?

(A). 7555993 

(B). 7555393

(C). 7555913

(D). 7555918


Ques 5: Q is shorter than P but taller than R. R is shorter than P but taller than A. If they stand in the ascending order of their heights, the sequence will be –

(A). AQRP 





Ques 6: A man said to a lady, “the son of your only brother is the brother of my wife”. What is the lady to the man?

(A). Daughter-in-Law

(B). Sister of Father-in-Law

(C). Mother-in-Law

(D). Grand Mother



Data Interpretation:


The following table shows the percentage profit (%) earned by two companies A and B during the years 2011-15. Answer questions 1 to 3 based on the data contained in the table:




Where, percent (%) Profit = (Income-Expenditure) × 100/Expenditure



Ques 7: What is the average percentage profit earned by the company B?


(A). 35% 

(B). 42%

(C). 38%

(D). 40%


Ques 8: In which year, the percentage profit earned by the company B is less than that of company A?


(A). 2012

(B). 2013

(C). 2014

(D). 2015



Information and Communication Technology Questions:


Ques 9: CD-ROM is a kind of-


(A). Magnetic Disc

(B). Electo-Magnetic Disc

(C). Optical Disc

(D). None of these


Ques 10: Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a -


(A). Client

(B). Super Computer

(C). Network

(D). Mainframe



People and Environment:


Ques 11: Which of the following pollutants form a toxic and stable substance in the blood by combining with hemoglobin?


(A). CO2

(B). CO

(C). CH4

(D). O2


Ques 12: Linches are best economical indicator of - 

(A). Air Pollution

(B). Water Pollution

(C). Noise Pollution

(D). All of these



Higher Education System:


Ques 13: The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the -


(A). Prime Minister of India

(B). Speaker of the Rajya Sabha

(C). President of India 

(D). Ministry of Law & Justice


Ques 14: With regard to standardized testing, which of the following statements is correct? 


(A). The testing of intelligence began in Germany

(B). The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is a group test 

(C). The Rorschach test uses inkblots

(D). The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is easy to interpret




UGC NET General Paper 1 Books Free Download PDF + Sample Theory & Mock Tests


Eduncle which is India’s Leading Online Learning Platform provides quality education to UGC NET aspirants. Keeping their preparation needs in mind, Eduncle offers free Theory Content and Model Test Papers so that students can learn without money barriers.


For detailed information, please visit- UGC NET Paper 1 Books



Want to know about the difficulty level of questions asked in the exam? Download UGC NET Previous Papers and get an overview of the paper.



We hope that the UGC NET Preparation Tips and Study Plan suggested by Eduncle Experts will help you in achieving the scorecard. If you have any queries, you can share it with us through the comment box below.


You can also join India’s No.1 Learning Community for UGC NET, where you will get doubt solutions for all your exam-related queries with the help of experts from all over India. To join the community, you can download the Eduncle App now.



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Showing 10 comments out of 25
  • Parasayya nimmaka

    I need MCQ for paper 1 and English paper 2


    Hello Parasayya,
    Welcome to Eduncle!
    Thanks for showing your interest.
    Kindly share your queries here . We would be happy to help you.
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  • Sneha Ingle

    I want electronic science subject related books


    Hello Sneha,
    Welcome to Eduncle!
    We will be glad to help you for the UGC NET Exam preparation.
    Kindly share your queries and here . Our support team will reach out to you and share free UGC NET sample study material and course features with you.
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  • Sandeep kr

    Sir I want questions with answers ist paper ...How can I get them???


    Hello Sandeep,
    Welcome to Eduncle!
    We will be glad to help you with the UGC NET Exam preparation.
    Kindly share your querieshere . Our support team will reach out to you and share free UGC NET sample study material and course features with you.
    Thank You!!

  • Amrita dobhal

    plzz provide net exame material in hindi language


    Hello Amrita,
    Welcome to Eduncle!
    We will be glad to help you with the UGC NET Exam preparation.
    Kindly share your querieshere . Our support team will reach out to you and share free UGC NET sample study material and course features with you.
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  • Dinesh kumar n

    I am an mechanical engineering graduate and I also completed Diploma in police administration and I doing Post graduate diploma in industrial Safety management and awaiting for the final exams can I write the NET EXAM under the subject criminology.


    Hello Dinesh,
    Greetings from Eduncle!
    You are eligible to apply for UGC NET environmental science or safety management related subjects.
    Thanks for asking your query with us!

  • Anupama singh Chouhan

    Plzz... provide all NET exam material in hindi language


    Hello Anupama,   Greetings from Eduncle!   Would you please tell me for which subject you want the study material?   Thanks for asking your query with us!   Kind Regards, Eduncle Team


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