Dhruv posted an Question
June 04, 2020 • 20:15 pm 30 points
  • Physical Sciences

What is dagger operator?? what's use in physics?

What is dagger Operator?? What's use in physics? Yeah kyon lagaya jaata hai isse kya hota hai Quantum mein bhi iska use hai

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • comment-profile-img>
    Chandra prakash

    An operator A with superscript as dagger refers to the transpose conjugate (i.e, we take the transpose of the matrix A and replace each element of the matrix by its complex conjugate).


    plzz give response dear

  • comment-profile-img>
    Dhairya sharma best-answer

    is the transpose conjugate of a linear operator; once aa is defined as the annihilation operator (presumably because annihilation starts with the letter a), Dirac showed that the corresponding creation operator corresponds to it's transpose conjugate, hence the creation operator is a†a†. Thus the a comes first, and then the ††. I wouldn't assume that Dirac is responsible for the †† notation for transpose conjugate; it is not the only way it is written in mathematical texts, though it is certainly the favorite among physicists today.


    Sir ji double dagger ka kya means hota hai


    double dagger mtlb same whi operator.


    next cmmnt m attached krti hu....see

  • comment-profile-img>
    Chandra prakash

    degger means transpose of conjugate or conjugate of transpos ....

  • comment-profile-img>
    Dhairya sharma

    value of this operator is to check hermisity of operator

  • comment-profile-img>
    Dhruv Verma

    Matlab her Conjugate Of transpose mein hum dagger ka use kar sakte hai


    han dear.....har matrix p yh operate kiya ja skta h

  • comment-profile-img>
    Dhairya sharma best-answer

    dear degger means transpose of conjugate or conjugate of transpose


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