Md Rofiqul Alam posted an Question
May 28, 2021 • 04:02 am 30 points
  • Education

What is the difference between anumana and arthapatti ?

What is the difference between Anumana and Arthapatti ?

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Rakesh kumar

    what the similarti of vasheshik and mimansha and yoga

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    Eduncle best-answer

    Dear Student,

    Anumana, (Sanskrit: “measuring along some other thing” or “inference”) in Indian philosophy, the second of the pramanas, or the five means of knowledge. Inference occupies a central place in the Hindu school of logic (Nyaya).  

    This school worked out a syllogism in the form of an argument that goes through five stages:  

    (1) The proposition (pratijna, literally “promise”),  

    (2) The ground (hetu),  

    (3) The illustration (udaharana),  

    (4) The application (upanaya), and  

    (5) The conclusion (nigamana).  

    A syllogism is vitiated by a fallacious ground; this is called hetvabhasa (“the mere appearance of a ground”). A number of types of invalid grounds are distinguished: simple error, contradiction, tautology, lack of proof for the ground, and inopportunity. 


    Arthapatti is a Sanskrit term meaning "presumption" or "implication." In the yogic philosophy of the Advaita Vedanta system and the Bhatta school of Purva-Mimamsa, it is said to be one of the six pranamas, or means of obtaining knowledge. 

    Arthapatti refers to the way in which knowledge is derived from a set of circumstances. It is analogous in contemporary logic to the concept of circumstantial implication. It generally requires an observation of fact(s) and postulation based on such fact(s) to arrive at the information. 


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