Prince posted an Question
February 20, 2021 • 02:43 am 30 points
  • Commerce

What is the exact meaning of badla system in capital market and when was this banned?

what is the exact meaning of badla system in capital market and when was this banned?

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Aditi tripathi

    "Badla" in share trading means something in return. It is a system to carry-forward. Badla is the charge, which the investor pays to carry forward his position. Using the "Badla" tool or system, an investor can take a position in a scrip without actually taking delivery of the stock. He can carry-forward his position on the payment of small margin.content:// In 1993, shortly after the discovery of the largest scam in the history of the Indian capital markets, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) banned the use of “badla”.

  • Rucha rajesh shingvekar best-answer

    Badla" in share trading means something in return. It is a system to carry-forward. Badla is the charge, which the investor pays to carry forward his position. Using the "Badla" tool or system, an investor can take a position in a scrip without actually taking delivery of the stock.

  • Rucha rajesh shingvekar


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