D. Priyadharshini posted an Question
June 21, 2020 • 04:46 am 30 points
  • Physical Sciences

Why we say v=ir?

why we say V=IR?why v is always proportional to current ???and then why voltage drop what's is the reason for that

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Chandra prakash best-answer

    Dear Friend, probably I am repeating answer on this type of question . What one must have clarity is Voltage V is an independent quantity and current I is always a dependent quantity solely depends on the load. having said that now V= I*R is perfectly correct. which means that for given source of voltage V the product current I and Load Resistance R are equal to it. it means current varies inversely of load for a given voltage. Where as The amount of power delivered by Source to the load is product of Voltage V and current I flowing through the load. i.e P= V* I. here when you rewrite the equation V= P/I it does not mean that voltage is dependent on load current. Hope I have clarified your doubt.


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