Jeremy C. Zodinliana posted an Question
January 31, 2022 • 20:41 pm 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

10. bohrs theory explains quite succcessfully the stability and the spectrum of (b) he ions (d) all of the above (a) hydrogen atom c)li ion 11. according to the

10. Bohrs theory explains quite sucCcessfully the stability and the spectrum of (b) He ions (d) all of the above (a) hydrogen atom c)Li ion 11. According to the principle of complementarity ax (a) the particle and wave nature are mutually exclusive (b) electron can behave as a particle and wave simultaneously (c) photon exhibits both particle & wave nature of radiation (d) the same experiment can reveal both the particle and wave characters se in 12. When a particle of mass m is in thermal equilibrium at eases temperature T, then its de Broglie wavelength (2) is (a) mkT (b) 2m hkT (c) 2mkT (d)- 2mT eases art of 13. For a particle of rest mass mo moving with relativistic velocity V C, its de Broglie wavelength (2 ) is (a) 1-vIc m,v (6) -vIG m hm, -Tc (d)- m.1vI¢ 14. The de Broglie wavelength in Angstorm of an electron moving with velocity 0.6c is nearly (a) 0.064 'A (b) 0.032 A (c) 0.32 °A (d) 0.016 A 15. The value of the de Broglie wavelength in Angstorm of an electron having kinetic energy of 9 ev is nearly (a) 4 (b) 1.36 A (C) 0.4 A (d) 13.6 A A ni t IS of the 16. For a particle of charge q, masS m moving under a potential difference V, the de Broglie wavelength (2) is (b)h 2mqV ( 1)2mv 1 m 2mq ch 17. If 4, and be the relativistic and non-relativistic wavelengths of the electron, then (a) 2, < (b) 2, > (c), = (d)4, =1/4, s best 18. The de Broglie wavelength (2) of a body of mass m and kinetic energy E is (-rays 2mh (a) E (c) VZmEE h (D 2mE (d) 2mE nh 19. An a-particle is 4 times heavier than a proton. If a proton nh and an a-particle are moving with the same velocity, how do their de Broglie wavelength compare? (6) 4,/4 (d) 2,=4 ed to (a) 4,A (c) ,A2 2 Ev

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