Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
December 30, 2020 • 16:45 pm 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

182. hangingwall anticline structure is a feature associated with: a. thrust fault b. normal fault c. strike-slip fault d. scissor fault (pu-2013) oc (pu-2013)

182. Hangingwall anticline structure is a feature associated with: A. Thrust fault B. Normal fault C. Strike-slip fault D. Scissor fault (PU-2013) oc (PU-2013) ww ane. ww.Kura 185. Shear strain is measured by: A Change in length of a line B. Change in angle between two lines C. Displacement of a line D. Distortion of a plane (PU-2013)

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Owishi Sarkar best-answer

    correct answer actually should be fault bend fold. Hanging wall anticline is seen in this structure. I think the question is not completely correct. If roll over anticline would have been mentioned the answer would have been listric normal fault. Refer to picture attached. For second question answer should be B) Shear strain is measured by change in angle between lines


    how exactly the movement occuring sir


    The picture is of tangential cross beds. The current directions is towards the right side.

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    Saurabh 1 best-answer

    182) Correct option would be (B) . It is a well known rollover anticline(it's not mentioned in the question correctly but as the options are given B is most suitable) which is surely a syn depositional structure developed within the hanging wall of the fault and related to listric normal fault. Kindly see figure attached below. 183) Most probably the answer would be (B), Shear strain is measured as a change in angle between lines that were originally perpendicular.


    how exactly the movement occuring sir


    See gurmeet you might be knowing that normal fault is related to extensional regimes and various extensional structure are found to be related to normal fault.. As it is not very important for jam (but you must know it's basics coz it is one of the structures related to normal fault) , i will keep it simple. Listric faults are basically curved normal fault in which fault surface is concave upwards and as you can see clearly from the figure i attached above, that it's dip decreases with depth(from around right angle or steeper dip to gentler dip) . Roll-over anticlines will often form between bedding planes and the main fault plane as a result of the flexing(or in layman term bending)between the two.I am attaching one more figure so that you may have better understanding. Clearly in the figure you can see, the hanging wall block of a listric fault is pulled away from the foot wall block under extensional forces. The hanging wall block shown in yellow colour as you can see, will collapse under its own weight as it is pulled away. Sedimentation will then occur in the area created between the foot and hanging walls.


    You need not to worry about this topic as you only need to know the terms related to extensional features of normal fault.. They will never ask this in JAM...


    can you share your Instagram id


    I apologize gurmeet... But I'm not active on any social media sites. Sorry for that but if I would have been active , then I have given you my I'd for sure.. :)


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