Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
December 31, 2020 • 01:00 am 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

3. batholiths are usually associated with: a earthquake zone b. island arcs c. orogenic belt d. fold and faults (bhu-2009) 4. the following paleocurrent directi

3. Batholiths are usually associated with: A Earthquake zone B. Island arcs C. Orogenic belt D. Fold and faults (BHU-2009) 4. The following paleocurrent directions were delermined from asymmetrical ripple marks on a sandstone outcrop: N 10, N 355, N 15°, N 345°, N 5°, N 2°, N 350, N 358°, N 340°, N 20° D. akeocunhen dihactjon Ans- 360

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    Rahul kumar best-answer

    Answer: Orogenic belt Batholith can be found in any settings but it is most commonly associated with the orogenic belts. Answer: N360 Convert all the given paleocurrent direction in one format and take average of all those direction. N10= N370 N355 N15= N375 N345 N5= N365 N2 =N362 N350 N358 N340 N20= N380 Now taking the average of all paleocurrent data. Mean paleocurrent data= [370+355+375+345+365+362+350+358+340+380] / 10 = 3600 / 10 = 360 So, the actual paleocurrent direction is N360


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