Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
December 30, 2020 • 22:54 pm 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

9. complete destruction of original texture is due to: a. regional metamorphism b. contact metamorphism c. dynamothermal metamorphism d. metasomatism (bhu-2009)

9. Complete destruction of original texture is due to: A. Regional metamorphism B. Contact metamorphism C. Dynamothermal metamorphism D. Metasomatism (BHU-2009) 0. Which of the following rocks is produced due to dynamothermal metamorphism? Slate A B. Schist C. Phyllite D. Quartzite

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Saurabh 1 Best Answer

    For first question, it is Regional Metamorphism most probably. Regional metamorphism involves high amount of deformation(intense deformation)in the characteristic rocks and hence leads to destruction of the original texture on a pronounced scale. Regional metamorphism involves several subdivision like orogenic , burial and sea floor metamorphism. Where your orogenic regional metamorphism is also sometimes referred to as dynamothermal metamorphism. Answer for second question would be (B)Schist . Dynamothermal metamorphism as name implies it is interplay of pressure and heat (or temperature). These two physical elements acts simultaneously and thereby affecting the recrystallization and mineral growth on a prominent scale.


    regional and dyanomothermal are equivalent?


    dynamothermal is the subdivision of regional metamorphism, so you can say they are equivalent but the most probable answer would be regional for the first one. Because dynamothermal is basically related to ororgenic metamorphism. You can see it is given in Jd winter also.


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    Rahul kumar best-answer

    Answer: Regional Metamorphism Regional Metamorphism is a type of metamorphism in which the mineralogy and texture of rocks are changed over a wide area by deep burial and heating associated with the large-scale forces of plate tectonics. Regional Metamorphism involves almost complete destruction of previous textures. Answer: Schist Dynamothermal metamorphism (a type of regional Metamorphism) is due to the co-operation of directed pressure and heat. Gneiss and Schist which are most common Metamorphic rocks are produced by Dynamothermal Metamorphism.


    sir in contact Metamorphism is also produced new texture in the rock as we can se in quartzite & marble.


    i think ABC can be right Ans




    Yes, we do get new texture in contact Metamorphism but only in certain cases. You won't get completely obliterated previous texture in case of contact Metamorphism. The most probable answer to this question should be regional Metamorphism. In case it is a MSQ question, then only you can think about other options.

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    Ankita sahoo

    A )Regional Metamorphism Regional metamorphism results in intense alteration in the texture and mineralogy of rocks


    if it's helpful mark as best please


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