Sayan posted an Question
July 07, 2020 • 04:05 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Aclosed gaussian surface consisting of a hemisphere and a circular disc of radius r, is placed in a uniform electric field, e, as shown in the figure. the circ

Aclosed Gaussian surface consisting of a hemisphere and a circular disc of radius R, is placed in a uniform electric field, E, as shown in the figure. The circular disc makes an angle 0= 30 with the vertical. The flux of the electric field vector coming out of the curved surface of the hemisphere is (A)RE /3 (B)RE (C) TR E (D) 2 nR' E

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Ghost. Best Answer

    option(b) is correct, if question is about net flux through the body. see attached phi and gamma i used as azimuthal and polar angle because theta is already a variable , Wishes.


    sir pls explain the calculation of inward flux.what is the value of sin(phi) here?


    inward flux is through the circular disk of hemispherical region, flux is calculated as usual, take dot product between E and area( circular area) , and angle between E and normal vector is 30.


    sorry sir i mistakenly asked the inward flux i want to know the calculation of phi 1.what is the value sin(phi) here?


    For outward flux it's same , angle between normal and E.F is theta as i shown in diagram and your Electric Field is applied externally so it's independent, now just multiply area of hemisphere with electric field and cos(30), and result will be outward flux, i did it in more sophisticated way, by taking area element and then integrating it, you can directly multiply area, E.F , & cos(30).

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    Ruby negi best-answer

    u know the formula of flux that is surface integral of E. here theta is given 30 degree than disc makes with vertical but e.f is along horizontal so we need theta that disc makes with e.f or we can say with horizontal i.e 90-30=60 degree . so put it in formula.. flux=E*πR^2* cosine of 60 so ans is option a...


    but madam the option is given b in ans

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    Dhairya sharma best-answer

    see attached


    but madam the given ans is option b


    and i also confused with the ans.that's why i upload it.i also got the ans a.


    dear we did it correctly no worry




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