Palak Varma posted an Question
January 25, 2022 • 18:50 pm 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

Addition of casein to solid media and picking up bacterial colonies that form clear zone is termed as (a) differential enrichment (b) streaking (c) serial dilu

Addition of casein to solid media and picking up bacterial colonies that form clear zone is termed as (a) differential enrichment (b) streaking (c) serial dilution (d) selective enrichment

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    Krishan k jakhad best-answer

    A. To differentiate the organism on the basis of production of exoenzyme proteinase (caseinase).Some microorganisms have the ability to degrade the casein protein by producing proteolytic exoenzyme, called proteinase (caseinase). Casein Agar or skim milk agar is a growth medium used for the detection of hydrolytic microorganisms. Lactic Acid Bacteria will precipitate casein out of the agar by lowering the pH. This will produce a cloudy appearance around the colonies....clear zones around the growth area as the casein protein is converted into soluble and transparent end products—small chains of amino acids, dipeptides, and polypeptides. Most strains of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens hydrolysed casein.... spp. of Streptomyces, Pseudomonas.


    this question is from pyq iit jam and the answer given is serial dilution and one of my teacher said selective enrichment


    it cannot be serial dilution that is wrong.


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