Aparna posted an Question
September 20, 2020 • 17:11 pm 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

Among amylose & amylopectin, which one is water soluble & which one is not?

among amylose & Amylopectin, which one is water soluble & which one is not?

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Abhijeet Gaurav Best Answer

    Amylose is a polysaccharide made of several D-glucose units. They are linked by 1,4-glycosidic bonds. When iodine is added to starch, the colour changes to dark blue or black due to the presence of amylose present in the starch. Amylose is soluble in water and can be hydrolyzed into glucose units by the enzymes α- amylase and β-amylase. Amylopectin is a polymer of several D-glucose molecules. 80% of amylopectin is present in starch. Amylopectin molecules are linked by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds and α-1,6-glycosidic bonds. When iodine is added to starch, it gives reddish-brown appearance due to the presence of amylopectin. It readily dissolves in hot water. On cooling, it forms a starch paste or starch gel. Amylopectin is soluble in water whereas Amylose is not soluble cold water.


    i forgot to add this image in my question...can you please answer me this... in my book answer given is option D


    I think it should have been All of these instead of None of these.

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    Priyanshu kumar best-answer

    Amylose is slightly soluble in water and Amylopectin is highly soluble in water.


    then what should be its answer?... in my book answer given is option D🤔


    In wikipedia


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