Anukruti posted an Question
October 15, 2020 • 15:09 pm 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Are crevasse splays a sedimentary fluvial deposit having coarsening upward or fining upward sequence?

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Rahul kumar best-answer

    Crevasse splay is a fluvial deposit generally found in river flood plains. It forms when high speed channel currents breach the levee. The deposit associated with crevasse splay is fining upward. Commonly, fine grain sediments are found in flood plains but presence of crevasse splay will result into coarse grained sand deposition into the river flood plain; which can work as a potential reservoir for hydrocarbons.

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    Sajan sarthak Best Answer

    coarsening upward. why? because they are formed when a River bank brakes and sudden Flow of channel sediment that is if high energy overlap the fine grained muddy sediment of bank so coarsening upward sequence is observed. in the figure below you can see the cutcross section of crevasse having sandstone on top and just below splay siltstone and shale the. shale and coal A coarsening upward sequence


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