Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
January 26, 2021 • 00:34 am 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Can we differentiate coast line & shore line.

ay subside with respect to sea level. In some cases uplift and subsidence may operate simultaneously in different parts of the same

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Gurmeet singh

    i am not able to understand these terms. ...i read these comments thoroughly but didn't reach to a conclusion.... kindly make it more simple & Clear.

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    Saurabh 1 best-answer

    Well , both the term seems to be quite synonymous, but you can compare or differentiate them on a basis of the area they are covering or found prominently spreading across wide area. shoreline describes the edge of the shore — the stretch of dry land that is right next to the body of water. Essentially, the shoreline is where the beach ends. The precise position of the shoreline can change depending on the tides. The coastline also refers to the shoreline, but it’s more technically specific. The coastline refers to the boundary where an island or continent ends. This is described as the end of the continental plate. In simpler terms, the coastline is the boundary of the continent/island, while the shoreline is the boundary of the land. Go through the attached figure, you will get to know about it.

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    Sajan sarthak Best Answer

    Shore :- The land along the edge of the sea or ocean, a lake or another large area of water. OR Strip of land where the sea meets the land. Shoreline :- The edge of the sea, the ocean or a lake. OR The intersection between the mean high water line and the shore. Coast :- The land beside or near to the sea or ocean. OR The strip of land that extends from the coastline inland to the first major change in the terrain features, which are not influenced by the coastal processes. The main types of coastal features are dunes, cliffs and low-lying areas, possibly protected by dikes or seawalls. Coastline :- The land along a coast, especially when you are thinking of its shape or appearance. OR Technically the line that forms the boundary between the COAST and the SHORE, i.e. the foot of the cliff or the foot of the dunes. Commonly, the line that forms the boundary between the land and the water. Beach :- Area where the land meets the sea; its features vary depending on climate, wind, sea and the type of rocks of which it is composed. OR An area of sand or small stones (called shingles) beside the sea or a lake.


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