Vidushi Saklani posted an Question
September 23, 2021 • 07:54 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Chave individual of each of examph ampłé. for the arrangement given in the following figure, the coherent light sources a, b and iduál intensities of 2mw/m?, 2m

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    Bidyut sinha

    step :-1 :-First see the three slits...From the three slits, Electric Field are given by E1+E2+E3..Step:-02:- Electric Field is actually here Amplitude (Because to find intensity ,we know if we square the amplitude, then we will get Intensity)....Step :-03..From E1, let amplitude be A, from the second slit, you will get a phase change there(phase change of delta)..So E2=A exp(idelta)... Second slit,there is an again a phase change...2delta...So Electric Field Amplitude will be B exp(2i delta)....Step :-04...Now Generally we know that Intensity =(Amplitude)^2...Now here exp(idelta) terms are there...they are complex terms...So for squaring any complex number, we always do multiplication of that number × his conjugate...such as z^2=z z*... similarly here I =EE*=[(A+A exp(idelta)+Bexp(i2dela)][A+A exp(-idelta)+Bexp(-i2delta).. After that put the formula of Delta, for obtaining Sin theta in Delta expression, we know that sin theta=perpendicular/hypotenuse.. after that just calculation ...hope u will get the concept

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    Bidyut sinha best-answer

    please check the attached picture.


    i have seen this solution but im not able to understand could you please explain in detail


    ok.... I am Explaining you


    step :-1 :-First see the three slits...From the three slits, Electric Field are given by E1+E2+E3..Step:-02:- Electric Field is actually here Amplitude (Because to find intensity ,we know if we square the amplitude, then we will get Intensity)....Step :-03..From E1, let amplitude be A, from the second slit, you will get a phase change there(phase change of delta)..So E2=A exp(idelta)... Second slit,there is an again a phase change...2delta...So Electric Field Amplitude will be B exp(2i delta)....Step :-04...Now Generally we know that Intensity =(Amplitude)^2...Now here exp(idelta) terms are there...they are complex terms...So for squaring any complex number, we always do multiplication of that number × his conjugate...such as z^2=z z*... similarly here I =EE*=[(A+A exp(idelta)+Bexp(i2dela)][A+A exp(-idelta)+Bexp(-i2delta).. After that put the formula of Delta, for obtaining Sin theta in Delta expression, we know that sin theta=perpendicular/hypotenuse.. after that just calculation ...hope u will get the concept


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