Shifana posted an Question
October 16, 2020 • 18:15 pm 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

Cis or trans isomer is more soluble?

cis or trans isomer is more soluble?........................

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Amol ashok pawar

    In the cis form there is a repulsive force acting between the molecules but trans form, there is a compact structure, there is less repulsive force... so due to this repulsive force the molecules in cis isomer will be farther from each other and hence will be more soluble.

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    Priyanshu kumar

    Actually in the cis isomer there is a repulsive force acting between the molecules but when we see the trans structure there is a compact structure, there is less repulsive force... so due to this repulsive force the molecules in cis isomer will be farther from each other and hence will be more soluble. In general : cis isomers have higher solublility in inert solvents and trans isomers have lower solubility in inert solvents. Check dipole moments factor also 👇

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    Dinesh khalmaniya 1 best-answer

    Actually in the cis isomer there is a repulsive force acting between the molecules but when we see the trans structure there is a compact structure, there is less repulsive force... so due to this repulsive force the molecules in cis isomer will be farther from each other and hence will be more soluble

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    another reason of greater solubility of cis isomer is dipole moment


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