Isha posted an Question
April 22, 2020 • 14:55 pm 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

Difference between subset & proper subset

what's the difference between subset & proper subset please make me understand by giving example

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Abhijeet Gaurav Best Answer

    Subset: If every element of 1st set is contained in the 2nd set, then the 1st set is called the subset of the 2nd set. For example: If A={2,3,5,6} and B={2,3,5,6} then A is the subset of B. Proper Subset: If every element of 1st set is contained in the 2nd set and there is atleast one element in the 2nd set that is not there in the 1st set, then the 1st set is called the proper subset of the 2nd set. For example: If A={2,3,5,6} and B={2,3,5,6,7} then A is the proper subset of B, since all the elements of A are contained in B and B has one more element that is not there in A.

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    Ujjawal vishal best-answer

    A is subset of set B if every element of A is in B . Let B={1,2} then if A is subset of B then A can be phi, {1},{2},{1,2}...that means A set is subset of itself. But a proper subset of a set is not equal to itself. So, in same example, proper subsets of B are phi, {1},{2} only.


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