Niharika Kalita posted an Question
May 02, 2020 • 04:24 am 3 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

Distinguish between but-1-yne and but-2-yne in detail.

Distinguish between but-1-yne and but-2-yne in detail

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Lingareddy 1 best-answer

    tollens test will be given by terminal alkynes... this way they can be differentiated... if ppt is found the alkyne is But-1-yne if not then it is But-2-yne 

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    Lingareddy 1 Best Answer

    ago But-1-yne is terminal alkyne and but-2-yne is nonterminal alkyne.So but-1-yne reacts with Na to form H2 but but-2-yne does not react with Na.Not only that but-1-yne reacts with ammonical silver nitrate and cuprous chloride solution to form white and red colour precipitate respectively. But but-2-yne being a nonterminal alkyne does not involve in these reaction

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    Suresh khokhar best-answer

    but1yne react with sodium and release hydrogen gas. but2yne not react with sodium due to absence of acidic hydrogen


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