Time management is very much important in IIT JAM. The eduncle test series for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics helped me a lot in this portion. I am very thankful to the test series I bought from eduncle.
Nilanjan Bhowmick AIR 3, CSIR NET (Earth Science)
Saurabh 1 Best Answer
Actually Pressure has an effect on both, the viscosity of liquid as well as gases(not always in case of gases because viscosity of gases is usually temperature dependent not pressure dependent upto that extent). On increasing the pressure, viscosity of liquid molecules increases due to the increase in the resistance to the flow. While in case of gases as the pressure increases the intermolecular distance decreases; consequently, the intermolecular force increases. As a result, the relative velocity between two adjacent layers decreases, hence the coefficient of viscosity increases. For ideal gases, viscosity depends only on temperature(only function of temperature not of pressure).