Himanshu posted an Question
June 15, 2020 • 07:47 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Electricity theory

i didn't get explanation of electrostatic energy that i marked please explain me in simple terms and ya please mention for which pic u are telling!!

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Eduncle best-answer

    if there are n charges in a system than total energy expressions that you have to write is equal to (n)*(n-1)/2. for example: for three charges A,B and C, total energy expression will be between AB, AC and BC. therefore 3 energy expressions. if we use the formula then n= 3, so 3*(3-1)/2 = 3. in this manner, you can count the total number of energy expression that will be made. another way is if 3 charges (a,b,c) are given, energy expression will ab, ab bc if 5 charges are given (a,b,c,d,e) then energy expressions will be ab, ac, ad, ae bc, bd, be cd, ce de like this we can manually create energy expressions

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    Chandra prakash Best Answer

    and for eq 18. which is in the 2nd pic..... is the energy of a continuous system... and i already explain uh for energy of a point charge distribution... so in case of continuous charge distribution we talking about volume charge density as well as surface charge density.. is it clear?..becoz of continuous charge distribution. and I am attaching 2 pic regarding this concept read ......best regards


    see attached file dear

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    Chandra prakash

    dear read carefully ....equ. 8 shows that's how much work it takes to assemble a configuration of point charge... it's also the amount of work you'd get if you dismantled the system. in the meantime, it represents energy stored in configuration.


    it's explanation of ur 1 pic


    see attached file it's


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