Time management is very much important in IIT JAM. The eduncle test series for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics helped me a lot in this portion. I am very thankful to the test series I bought from eduncle.
Nilanjan Bhowmick AIR 3, CSIR NET (Earth Science)
Rahul kumar
Bowen's reaction series is sequence of crystallization of minerals from magma. It consists of two series; 1). Discontinuous Series (Olivine --> Pyroxene --> Amphibole --> Biotite), involves complete change in crystal structure i.e. the structure of Olivine and Pyroxene is entirely different. 2). Continuous series (Anorthite --> Bytownite --> Labradorite --> Albite), within continuous series the crystal structure remains same (all are plagioclase) but the cationic proportion changes only (Ca rich to Na rich).