Isha posted an Question
May 06, 2020 • 20:25 pm 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

Explain isobars & isodiphers with example

explain isobars & isodiPhers with example & differentiate

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Abhijeet Gaurav Best Answer

    Isobars :- The atoms that have same number of nucleons. Isobars of different chemical elements have different atomic number but have the same mass number. Alfred Walter Stewart in 1918 suggested the term isobars. It is derived from the Greek word in which isos means equal and baros means weight. Argon, potassium, and calcium having atoms of the same mass number 40. 18Ar40, 19K40, 20Ca40 where 18, 19 and 20 shown as subscripts are the atomic numbers of the three elements respectively are isobars. Since the atomic numbers are different their chemical properties are also different. Isodiaphers:- Isodiaphers are atoms, having different atomic number and mass number but have same difference between number of neutron and number of proton proton number like for example 90Th234 and 92U238  in thorium proton number is 90 and neutron number is 144 144-90 = 54 in uranium proton number is 92 and neutron number is 146 146 - 92 = 54 So, the basic difference between both is that Isobar has same number of nucleons (atomic mass) , whereas, Isodiaphers have same number of difference of their neutron & proton.


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