Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
December 30, 2020 • 19:40 pm 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Given d but i think both b &d should be ans

. Which of the following structure is parallel to the bedding plane? A. Batholith VB, Lopolith D. Laccolith C. Chonolith nairy 015

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Saurabh 1 best-answer

    Well both can be correct option in case of MSQ, as both are concordant pluton which lies parallel to the country rock. Laccolith are convex upward while lopolith is concave upwards or convex downwards. Also note that lopoliths are generally larger in dimension than laccolith. Most probable answer has to be Laccolith (in case of MCQ) .Lopoliths are usually composed of dense, mafic magma  that allows depression by the overlying strata on cooling. Many lopoliths contain layered gabbroic  rocks(Your well renowned Bushveld lopolith is the mafic complex having platinum deposits).

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    Rahul kumar

    If you have to choose only one then go with the laccolith. Lopolith are not always concordant; they may be discordant also in exceptional cases. So, for single option correct question, go with laccolith.

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    Rahul kumar Best Answer

    Answer: Yes, you are correct. Both laccolith and lopolith are concordant igneous bodies. A concordant igneous rock body runs parallel to the pre-existing bedrock. Refer to the attached figure below for details.


    but what if we have to choose one


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