Hemalatha posted an Question
October 14, 2020 • 18:16 pm 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

Increasing order of acidity in the following

increasing order of acidity in the following p-toulic acid p chlorobenzoic acid m-chlorobenzoic acid benzoic acid

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Dinesh khalmaniya 1 best-answer

    meta chlorobenzoic acid> para chloro benzoic acid> benzoic acid> para toluic acid As we know that Acidity is directly proportional to EWG and inversily proportional to ERG. CH3 group at Para position show +H effect so it decrease the stability of benzoic acid in greater extent. so I is least acidic while Cl at o,ma and p position show -I effect and increase the acidity of benzoic acid so II and III have more acidiy. out of these III is more basic than II because of less distance make benzoic more acidic. so overall III>II>IV>I


    in case of any doubt please ask me.

  • Suman Kumar

    m chlorobenzoic acid > para chlorobenzoic acid >benzoic acid> para toluic acid

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    Priyanshu kumar best-answer

    meta chlorobenzoic acid> para chloro benzoic acid> benzoic acid> para toluic acid Explanation:- For halogens we generally prefer inductive effect and chlorine is electron withdrawing group which increases acidity Inductive effect decreases with increases in distance so metachloro benzoic acid is more than para chloro benzoic acid. Now for para toluic acid...ch3 group is electron donating group which decreases acidity so least acidic here. So overall order 3>2>4>1


    Hope you got this ....please ask if any doubt in this

  • Suman Kumar

    m chlorobenzoic acid > para chlorobenzoic acid > pate toluic acid


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