Nitish Kumar posted an Question
July 16, 2022 • 00:48 am 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

. maximum dip of a plane can be obtained on a line that is at .. angle with strike of the bed. b. 45 d. 65 a. 25° c. 90° (du-2015)

. Maximum dip of a plane can be obtained on a line that is at .. angle with strike of the bed. B. 45 D. 65 A. 25° C. 90° (DU-2015)

1 Answer(s) Answer Now
  • Nitish kumar Sahu

    But the answer is given 45°. It is wrong I guess

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    Sushmita Best Answer

    The line of intersection of dipping beds with imaginary horizontal surface is called strike line. And the inclination of bed with horizontal measured on vertical plane is called dip. If dip is measured perpendicular (right angle:90°) to strike then it is called true dip and that dip is maximum. If dip measured other than true dip direction is called apparent dip and amount of apparent dip is always less true dip. For more clarification you can see in attached diagram. Here, strike (line 1) ,true dip [ direction 2 , perpendicular to line 1] and apparent dip [ direction 3]. So, correct option should be option C(90°).


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