Himanshu posted an Question
April 19, 2020 • 07:05 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Newton's law

In Newtow third law it is told that" every action has equal and opposite reaction" fine!!! And they will not act on same body otherwise resultant become zero and body will not move. But how in example like for rocket both action (thruster force) and reaction (upward motion) occurred in same body???

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Ruby negi best-answer

    Newton's third law always acts on different bodies, in case of rocket too, action and reaction on different objects, rocket and exhausted fuels are different bodies..



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    Abhishek singh Best Answer

    Action reaction always acts on different bodies. here in this question, Rocket and it's exhausted fuel are two different bodies. action reaction acts on them. I have attached a demonstration. Best regards.

  • Himanshu Pandey

    no no u are not understanding my question i told for action and reaction are activing on same body(not in same direction) here in this attachment it is written that both action and reaction can't act on same body but i feel they act

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    I think you have some misconception. For rocket action and reaction are not in same direction. Considering the upward motion,rocket exhaust gas with some force towards down. It is the action force and the gas gives gives reaction force on rocket towards up. Suppose you are on space and you have a ball on your hand.Now you want to go upward.what will you do? You can throw the ball with some force towards down(acton).The ball will exert same force on you towards up (reaction) and you will start moving towards up.

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    I think you have some misconception. For rocket action and reaction are not in same direction. Considering the upward motion,rocket exhaust gas with some force towards down. It is the action force and the gas gives gives reaction force on rocket towards up. Suppose you are on space and you have a ball on your hand.Now you want to go upward.what will you do? You can throw the ball with some force towards down(acton).The ball will exert same force on you towards up (reaction) and you will start moving towards up.


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