Himanshu posted an Question
May 18, 2020 • 07:45 am 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Optics the graph between object distance u.....

The only problem i face here is for ∆f because i stuck in finding ∆v & ∆u, kindly resolve it!!!!!

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Abhishek singh Best Answer

    Yes, option B should be correct. Why did I get Option A is now clear to me and I will try to clear it to you as well. In my previous solution I had assumed the least count of the graph as 1 ( because I ignored the given divisions in between the 1 cm gape, from 10 to 11 cm. so the least count should be 0.1, replace 1 by 0.1 in my previous solution for ∆v and ∆u, and take ∆f directly ( don't devide it by f, as I previously did) I hope now it's clear to you. See the attached. ignore the white part. Regards.


    you can ask further doubts if they exist!

  • Himanshu Pandey

    in answer option B is given have look


    I had done mistakes in taking the least count from the graph. I am posting a new corrected solution. Inconveniences are regretted. Warm regards.

  • comment-profile-img>
    Abhishek singh

    Only option A is correct. See the attached. I have taken magnitude of ∆v and ∆u as one, because the given graphical diagram has least count of one. So whenever you are given with no value but you have a graph, use the least count of the graph as the error in that quantity ( because you can measure the least possible value upto the least count given in the question) Best regards.


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