Eduncle posted an MCQ
October 16, 2019 • 19:53 pm 0 points
  • English

Philip Larkin?s ?Sad Steps? notices ?The way the moon dashes through clouds that blow Loosely as cannon-smoke to stand apart...?

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    Eduncle Best Answer

    Philip Larkin's "Sad Steps" is a carefully crafted lyric which invokes several different voices, and holds them in balance with each other. 
    The title of Philip Larkin‘s Sad Steps is a reference to Sonnet XXXI from the sonnet sequence Astrophil and Stella by the Elizabethan poet Sir Philip Sidney. Sonnet XXXI is more usually known by its first line: “With what sad steps, O moon, thou climb‘st the skies!” Thus, before the reader gets to the first line there is already the echo of another voice behind the poem, if they have recognized the reference. And Astrophil and Stella are a sequence of sonnets and songs written by Sir Philip Sidney (1554–1586). It tells the story of Astrophil (or Astrophel), whose name means star-lover, and his hopeless passion for Stella, whose name means star.


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