Eduncle posted an MCQ
August 28, 2023 • 18:13 pm 0 points
  • Political Science

Plato divided human soul into three part. Which among the following is the correct combination

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    Eduncle Best Answer

    According to Plato, the State is like a human being. A human being consists of three elements. They are called Reason, Spirit and Appetite. Just like the individual, in the State also, there are three elements. They are called the Philosopher, the Soldiers and Workers. Each one possessed a special character or nature. Reason exists in the Philosopher. It means the ability to think intelligently. Spirit exists in the Soldier. It means courage and valor. Appetite exists in the Worker. It means great interest to work and produce results immediately. Wisdom is the quality of the Philosopher. Courage is the quality of the Soldier. Appetite is the quality of the worker.


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