Time management is very much important in IIT JAM. The eduncle test series for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics helped me a lot in this portion. I am very thankful to the test series I bought from eduncle.
Nilanjan Bhowmick AIR 3, CSIR NET (Earth Science)
Priyanshu kumar
Greater the polarizing power of cation or polarizability of an anion, greater are the percentage of covalent characters produced in an ionic compound. Covalent characters in ionic compound depends upon following factors. 1:-Smaller the size of cation, greater is its polarising power,thus greater will be the covalent nature of the bond. 2:-Larger the size of anion, greater is its polarizability thus greater will be the covalent nature of the bond . 3:-As the charge on ion increases, the electrostatic attraction of the cation for the outer electrons of the onion also increases, with the result its ability for forming the covalent bond increases. 4:-For the two ions of the same size and charge,one with pseudo noble gas configuration will be more polarizing than a cation with noble gas configuration. read little bit revision about fajans rule
yes sir this I know...I am only confused on solubility....
yes now your confusion gets clear na๐
no sir
which is more soluble lih or nah
in water
shweta always keep in mind about like dissolve like pattern...means polarity same solubility same...and you know covalent character is inversely proportional to solubility...and Lih is more covalent than nah
always we are talking about ionic solubility...and comparing covalent solubility with respect to this
covelent compounds are weak
ionic compound are stronger than covalent due to coulombic interactions
we are conparing this things with respect to some thing not individually
sir covalent compound are non polar that's why they donot dissolve in water
because water is polar
yes like dissolve like...and covalent compounds are more soluble in oil and fats
but nah is not a covelent compond
i am telling you previously na this is comparable thing
we are comparing with respect to something