Shweta Thakur posted an Question
July 10, 2020 • 01:50 am 30 points
  • Chemistry (CY)

Plz explain this... he dtabily do e oxide heroude oud suherlidesakalt mtal o2

he dtabily do e oxide heroude Oud suherLidesakalt mTal O2

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    Dinesh khalmaniya 1

    Oxides: Stability decreases down the group with lithium oxide the most stable. Peroxides: Increases and then decreases as we go from top to bottom in the group with sodium peroxide having the maximum stability. Superoxide: Stability increases down the group. Superoxides of K, Rb and Cs are most stable. Larger cations are stabilized by larger anions due to higher lattice energies.The anion sizes in increasing order are oxide < peroxide < superoxide, so lithium forms the most stable oxide, sodium the most stable peroxide and superoxide is the most stable form for the rest. The high charge density of lithium ion attracts the negative charge so strongly that it does not allow the oxide ion to take up another oxygen atom to form the peroxide ion. Sodium forms a peroxide as it forms a comparatively weaker positive field around it. K, Rb and Cs have weaker positive field around their cations and thus the oxide ion can take up two more oxygen atoms to form the superoxide ion.


    plzexpalin this point that larger cation stanilize larger anion


    if the cation is small and anion is large or if cation is large and anion is small, we cannot have strong electrostatic force of attraction due to less overlap of the electron clouds of both. ... Due to form a stable lattice, larger cations stabilize large anions and smaller cations stabilize smaller anions.


    got it??


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