Sudarshan posted an Question
June 11, 2020 β€’ 22:50 pm 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Polarization of light

please explain the working of a HWP and QWP in detail thank you

3 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Chandra prakash

    this is the brief and most Important concept about that term namely HWP and QWP


    see attached file

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    Chandra prakash best-answer

    Waveplate is an optic in which the polished faces contain the optical axis. All light incidents normal to the surface are composed of components polarized parallel and perpendicular to the axis. In such a device, light polarized parallel to the axis will propagate slower than light polarized perpendicular to the axis. As the light propagates through the optic, the phase shift between the two components with various thickness. The phase shift is called retardance. The most popular retarders are quarter and half wave. with an appropriate choice of thickness, any degree of retardance may be achieved at any wavelength for which quartz is transparent. However, the minimum thickness necessary to achieve a mechanically strong part corresponds to several full waves of retardance. Waveplate can transmit light and modify its polarization state without attenuating, deviating, or displacing the beam. It is ideal for applications requiring high damage thresholds and retardation stability over temperature change, such as for use with lasers or infrared light sources. Half Waveplate A half waveplate rotates linearly polarized light to any desired orientation. The rotation angle is twice the angle between the incident polarized light and optical axis.


    dear read carefully for basic


    in this explanation u able to know about term what is wave plate , what is retardance. so see it


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