Sonvi posted an Question
October 30, 2022 • 13:08 pm 30 points
  • Physics (PH)

Problem 2.3 find the electric field a distance z above one end of a straight line segment of length l (fig. 2.7) that carries a uniform line charge a. check tha

Problem 2.3 Find the electric field a distance z above one end of a straight line segment of length L (Fig. 2.7) that carries a uniform line charge A. Check that your formula is consistent with what you would expect for the case z>L. P P P - L- -a FIGURE 2.7 FIGURE 2.8 FIGURE 2.9

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    Bidyut sinha

    In the figure 2.7, it is considered a small length element dx at a distance x from the origin.Now if we consider line charge density (denoted by lambda) ,then z component & x component of electric field by integrating along 0 to L. Now for figure 2.8 we have applied this formula in case of square.. For each 4 length, Electric Field is 4E1 cos theta..


    that means all the sin theta cancel out in fig. 2.8


    yes in figure 2.8 , sin theta components are being cancelled.Only Cos theta components will be added up..All 4 cos theta components will be added and will give result 4E1 cos theta.. that's actually vertical components


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