Ishita Das posted an MCQ
December 09, 2020 • 01:44 am 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Rapid mass movement of eater saturated regolith is?

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    Rahul kumar best-answer

    Earth flow is a downslope viscous flow of fine-grained materials that have been saturated with water and moves under the pull of gravity. Solifluction and creep are slow mass movement processes. Landslide is a general terminology used for mass wasting processes.

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    Saurabh 1 Best Answer

    Basically Creep and Solifluction are slow movement of the regolith. Creep is the slow movement down the slope due to repeated expansion and contraction majorly caused by freezing, thermal expansion or sometimes seasonal water saturation, similarly solifluction is slow flow of water saturated regolith. Landslide consists of various ways or types of flow of the regolith (or rock failure also) ranging from slow to fast movements(mainly Rotational slide and translational slide). While earth flow lies intermediate to rock flow and debris flow. So most probable answer has to be earth flow.


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