Nisarg posted an Question
October 10, 2020 • 06:45 am 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

Sir can you please explain what is convection current in centrifugation and how the steep density gradient minimises the convection currents?

sir can you please explain what is convection current in centrifugation and how the steep density gradient minimises the convection currents?

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    Anup Padwal Best Answer

    Convention current is the warm air that rises towards the ceiling in your house. Same current is operated during working wirh centrifuge. The thermal convection, induced by the axial gradient of temperature in a rotating pipe, suffers from the shear-layer instability if the Prandtl number, Pr, is small. As Pr increases, this instability is suppressed by the stable density stratification in the field of centrifugal force. In an annular pipe, the thermal instability develops for large Pr if a temperature of walls is prescribed. For a narrow annulus, these features agree with the known results for a planar flow driven by gravity and a horizontal gradient of temperature. It is shown here that the thermal instability does not develop if the walls are adiabatic. The centrifugal convection of a liquid, partially filling the pipe, also suffers from the shear-layer instability for small Pr and has no thermal instability. It can be relevant for the development of centrifugal heat exchangers. Inshort, it is used to desing the cooling centrifuge machine.


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