Gurmeet Singh posted an Question
July 31, 2020 • 22:25 pm 30 points
  • Geology (GG)

Sir, please explain me 1. about super glacial load and sub glacial load. 2. will the glacier deposits is called moraine?

sir, please explain me 1. about super glacial load and sub glacial load. 2. will the glacier deposits is called moraine?

2 Answer(s) Answer Now
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    Rahul kumar best-answer

    The debris transported on the surface of glacial is known as super glacial load whereas debris transported at the base of glacier is known as subglacial load. Glacier deposits are known as tills. Glacial tills (unsorted and unstratified rock material deposited by glacial ice) in a rock flour (matrix or paste of unweathered rock).  In general, glacial deposits are known as tills (not moraine). Moraine can be considered as a part of glacial deposits. Moraines are accumulations of dirt and rocks that have fallen onto the glacier surface or have been pushed along by the glacier as it moves. The dirt and rocks composing moraines can range in size from powdery silt to large rocks and boulders.


    sir how to differentiate till and moraine. because i was taking them same.


    Moraines are patterned deposit of glacier (generally straight pattern). Tills are everything that can be deposited by a glacier. You can consider moraine as a part of glacier deposit (till), which are generally found in a pattern.


    okay. ty so much sir

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    Sajan sarthak Best Answer

    1.Subglacial loads are the material may be rock ,boulder and debris just below the galcier and is being carried out by glacier while flowing. superglacial means above the glacier how it comes to the top that is from the mountain valley the chipped up rocks fall on the top. 2.A moraine is material left behind by a moving glacier. This material is usually soil and rock. yes it's called moraine attached images below


    one more thing glacier flow over any hill , it forms roche montonne...but in case of drumlims glacier behaves in different way. why so sir.


    Because drumlin is an depostional features while Roche moutenee is erosional feature. Drumlin is when debris gets deposited. Richemoutenne when glacier moves it erodes.


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