S.sarkar posted an Question
October 08, 2021 • 21:06 pm 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

The reason of the non requirement of atp during cleavage and ligation of dna is: c 13. (a) it uses gtp as energy (b) it conserves the ehergy liberated during c

The reason of the non requirement of ATP during cleavage and ligation of DNA is: C 13. (A) It uses GTP as energy (B) It conserves the ehergy liberated during cleavage by binding with tryptophan of an enzyme and reused (C) This reaction does not require energy (D) It conserves the energy liberated during cleavage by binding with tyrosine of an enzyme and reused M Which model of DNA replication is sunnorted hu the resulte chaun in tha tahla balauiramaMas

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    Krishan k jakhad best-answer

    D. tyrosine (Y) intermediate of topoisomerase enzyme. Activated intermediates. DNA polymerase I, DNA ligase, and topoisomerase I catalyze the formation of phosphodiester bonds. What is the activated intermediate in the linkage reactions.. DNA polymerase I uses deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates; pyrophosphate is the leaving group. DNA ligase uses a DNA-adenylate (AMP joined to the 5′-phosphate) as a reaction partner; AMP is the leaving group. Topoisomerase I uses a DNA-tyrosyl intermediate (5′-phosphate linked to the phenolic OH group); the tyrosine residue of the enzyme is the leaving group.


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