Savia posted an Question
September 18, 2020 • 02:22 am 30 points
  • Biotechnology (BT)

The specific activity of an enzyme in a crude extract of e. coli is 9.5 units/mg of protein. the specific activity increased to 68 units/mg of protein upon ion-

The specific activity of an enzyme in a crude extract of E. coli is 9.5 units/mg of protein. The specific activity increased to 68 units/mg of protein upon ion-exchange chromatography. The fold purification is

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    Anup Padwal best-answer

    Answer is 7.15 fold The first you calculated is protein recovery. In order to determine the enzyme yield you have to calculate total enzyme activity before loading on gel (call this A), then calculate the total activity after elution (call this B). Then BX100/A :enzyme yield. For Purification fold first you have to find specific activity for A sample as dividing Total activity units/Total protein mgs:specific activity as Units/mg protein, then do the same for B sample. Finally divide Specific activities B/A: Purification fold. You can repeat all these after each purification step you follow.


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